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[TowerTalk] Unsticking a DK9SQ Mast?

To: Tower Talk Mailing List <>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Unsticking a DK9SQ Mast?
From: Eric Rosenberg <>
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2015 23:44:09 -0400
List-post: <">>
Being the summer, I've taken down my K9AY array that was held up by a 10m tall DK9SQ mast.
Unfortunetly, I am unable to unstick (for lack of a better term) the 
bottom two sections (the remainin sections were easily separated). 
Neither N3QE nor I have the arm strength to loosen the sections :-(
Any suggestions (tricks?) on how to loosen he sections?

Thanks & 73,
Eric W3DQ
Washington, DC

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