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Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] HARA CLOSED DOORS
From: Herbert Schoenbohm <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 18:23:04 -0400
List-post: <">>

On 7/29/2016 4:08 PM, Herbert Schoenbohm wrote:
Hopefully some thought will be given to the venues near major airports 
in the U.S. Driving from Cincinnati or Columbus in a rental car for 
amateurs that can only fly in was problematic at times.  Getting in 
and out of Dayton wasn't always possible on the same day. IMHO a 
perfect venue would be near Cincinnati or even near some airport that 
had metro rail transport to or nearby the venue.   For the XYL's 
enjoyment an underutilized theme park or something like Branson, 
Missouri would be great. I have even done some show at Gaylords in 
Nashville and they had a place for RV's.  Don't know how they would 
accommodate tail-enders and the location is maybe a bit to far to the 
East. But it is very nice....especially the grits and gravy in the 

On 7/29/2016 3:29 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
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On Fri,7/29/2016 11:34 AM, Rudy Bakalov via TowerTalk wrote:
How about a venue that

1) Knows how to run events
2) Can be leveraged to spread the word about ham radio
3) Spouses would want to visit as well
4) Reasonably priced to get to/from

Examples include Las Vegas, Orlando, San Diego, Toronto, to name a few.
And charge BIG money to promoters and exhibitors. Talk to any mfr 
who's ever had a booth at a trade show in any one of those places. 
I've attended lots of trade shows in New York, Chicago, San 
Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Orlando, and one in Toronto.
And NONE of these "well run" venues would allow a flea market like 
Dayton, or allow free parking of RVs. Cost of renting these venues is 
far higher than ham events can afford, which also cause registration 
fees to go through the roof.
Finding suitable places for hamfests and conventions requires lots of 
"outside the box" thinking by organizers who also understand those 
aspects of the business. Several years ago, K6MM and K6TD led a team 
that moved the Visalia DX Convention to a larger venue in the same 
town. It has been a quite successful in almost all respects, except 
that there are not enough rooms within walking distance of the venue, 
which in turn seriously limits the late-night hangout sessions that 
are the major reason many of us attend.
73, Jim K9YC


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