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Re: [TowerTalk] Yaesu G-8000 DXA controller with G-450 rotor

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Yaesu G-8000 DXA controller with G-450 rotor
From: Herbert Schoenbohm <>
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2016 06:56:12 -0400
List-post: <">>
Thanks Henk that's good information. i guess i have two G-800DXA controllers to sell on eBay.

On 11/21/2016 4:38 AM, Henk PA5KT wrote:
The G450XL uses an AC24V motor.

G800/1000 models are DC 24 V.

Not interchangeble.

Dont know if the G450A is the same as G450XL. I cannot find a schematic of the G450A.
If it uses 3 wires to control your motor it is AC.
2 wires it is DC.

73 Henk PA5KT

Op 11/17/2016 om 14:36 schreef Herbert Schoenbohm:
I have an orphan Yaesu G-8000DXA controller and would like to know if I can replace by G-450A control box with it without any modification? The plugs are the same and from the schematic the control circuit is similar. But I would like to know first before I brick the rotor on the tower. Please help.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ


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