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Re: [TowerTalk] Feedline - Question - Idea

To: Mike DeChristopher <>, Gary <>,
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Feedline - Question - Idea
From: Grant Saviers <>
Date: Wed, 9 May 2018 13:31:11 -0700
List-post: <>
I have no experience with triplexers but it sounds like a bad idea to put 4.5KW (3 bands QRO) through an N connector. I agree, use DIN connectors.
7/8" RFS hardline (LDF5-50 knockoff) is $2.50/ft so what is that in 
comparison to the cost/db of tower + yagis + rotators and then add 
triplexers, BP filters?   Big hardline feedline yields cheap db's in my 
view, lasts forever, and shields better.  My goal was <1db amp to 
feedpoint loss.  LDF5/AVA5 for 20/15/10 and LDF4 Heliax for 80/40.  Some 
big guns use 1 1/4 or larger to their towers.
The spools of larger sizes often go cheaper than 7/8 from the surplus 
dealers.  Still cheap even if a right size DIN connector costs $100.

Grant KZ1W

On 5/9/2018 7:43 AM, Mike DeChristopher wrote:
I have a similar problem at my new QTH. I'm considering a few products
from Low Band Systems. They offer a variety of multiplexers depending
on what bands you'd like, but I have not yet personally used one or
even seen one in person. DX Engineering has some of their stuff, the
rest is at

Maybe someone else in TowerTalkia has a review they'd share. I'm
especially curious how it works when you're drilling 1.5kW x3 (in the
case of a triplexer) down a single feedline.

Mike N1TA

On Wed, May 9, 2018 at 10:02 AM, Gary <> wrote:
I am looking at a possible location where the antennas will be 500 feet - maybe 
a little more from the operating location.  Is anyone aware of a 5 band (80-10 
meters) multiplexer that would allow simultaneous operation of 5 radios via one 
coax to a tribander + 40 and 80 meter dipoles located 500 feet away?

Thanks and 73,
Gary "Joe" kk0sd

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