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Re: [TowerTalk] FW: Leg Nuts and Bolts

To: Matt <>,
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] FW: Leg Nuts and Bolts
From: Grant Saviers <>
Date: Sun, 20 May 2018 07:34:58 -0700
List-post: <>
Interesting since the PE wet stamp dated 10/30/2009 EIA-222-F analysis on th eUST web site shows 1 1/8" x 27" A36 or ASTM F1554 GD36 headed bolts embedded a minimum of 21"
IIRC, the heads are 4x4x5/8" plates with welded nuts.

Probably best to check how the base is drilled and then buy the bolt size and grade that fits.
Grant KZ1W

On 5/19/2018 13:23 PM, Matt wrote:
The 1986 UST Catalog shows standard TMM-433HD shipped with 1" x 36" anchor
The 2013 UST Catalog shows standard TMM-433HD shipped with 1" x 27" anchor
I surmise that pull-out rating is the only difference and is not a limiting
stress factor for either length provided that the bolts are embedded with
anchor plates or HD washers.

Be sure to use galvanized bolts with matching nuts meeting ASTM F1554 Grade
55 (55,000 psi yield strength) or better.  Also use anchor plates or HD
galvanized washers under the embedded heads.

A good source for anchor bolts is:

  Superior Bolt & Nut Mfg.
4202 E Elwood St, Suite 16
Phoenix, AZ 85040

They specialize in tower & pole anchor bolts  and I found John (owner) to be
knowledgeable & helpful.   Prices are much more reasonable compared to UST.

I have some pictures of several tower anchor bolt installations at the web
pages linked to my QRZ lookup if that will be helpful for you.

Hope this information is of use & good luck on your project.

On 5/15/2018 12:12 PM, Joe Partlow wrote:
Other than US Tower, where would I get the nuts and bolts use to
attach a TMM-433HD to its base? The docs call them out as 0.75 inch
1.25 inch (length?) and dosn't say anything about washers.

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