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Re: [TowerTalk] J Bolt Specifications

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] J Bolt Specifications
From: mikw <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2019 21:18:07 -0800
List-post: <>
Check out Portland Bolt- They helped me out when I needed anchor bolts for my 72' tower. Reasonable and quick

Mike K6MW

On 1/24/2019 9:06 PM, Ron W8RJL wrote:
I have started digging the hole for installation of a used US Tower MA-40 with MARB Rotor 
Base. I contacted US Tower for a quote on four 3/4" X 27" anchor bolts but they 
say that is not a stocked item so lead time is 6 - 8 weeks.

If I wait 8 weeks to get the bolts then 28 days for the concrete to cure that 
means 3 months before I can get the 3 element SteppIR in the air.

Do any of you structual engineer guys out there know what specification J bolt 
is needed and a good source. Shipping will be to northern California.

I said J Bolt but I know US Tower is now welding two nuts and a washer to the end of 
the 27 " bolt. Don't know if that is a structual improvemet over a J bolt or 
just easier to manufacturer.


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