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Re: [TowerTalk] Coaxial Passthrough for Cinderblock Houses

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Coaxial Passthrough for Cinderblock Houses
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2020 06:18:05 -0500
List-post: <>
I concur. I drilled a hole though the solid concrete block of my Aruba home and cemented in a PVC pipe with end caps. Since it was a tourist rental home I could remove the cables and cap the PVC when the station was not in use. If I recall correctly I drilled a number of small holes around the circumference and tapped out the center. After the concrete patch and some paint it looked perfect on both sides. I don't know why there would be any apprehension about drilling a hole though a wall, I doubt that the next buyer would even noticed it if done neatly.

John KK9A

jimlux wrote:

Seeking the group's recommendations on passthroughs (coax and rotor) for a
Florida cinderblock house.

  Some folks just recommend getting some plexiglass, putting passthrough
connectors in the plexiglass, insert/weather-strip  it into a sliding
window, and call it good.  I am concerned about security and bug incursion.
Aren't there some long, tubular things I can mount in a drilled hole (coax
OK but how about rotor cables)?

Florida = bugs - you want a sealed aperture.

Drill it - you can install a piece of PVC pipe in the hole that is
epoxied in, and then run your cables through that, and seal it up with
that putty like substance used for just this purpose (duct-seal, I

If you want a *big* hole - think in terms of a dryer outlet, 3-4"
diameter. Off the shelf rain caps, etc. are available.

Or you can have a bunch of smaller holes.

Then, set up a patch panel or similar inside, to centralize all your
connections.  Or not.


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