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Re: [TowerTalk] How to fix crooked Rohn 45G short base?

To: towertalk <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] How to fix crooked Rohn 45G short base?
From: Steve Maki <>
Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2020 13:36:58 -0400
List-post: <>
Structurally that amount of lean wouldn't be a problem.

I would hog out the holes to 1/2" and use 1/2" hardware. It's only a 40' tower.

Spray some cold galvanizing in there - a couple applications - and call it good.

-Steve K8LX

On 07/03/20 19:17 PM, Blake Sobiloff via TowerTalk wrote:
Hi hi,

I’m putting up my first tower, a 40’ free-standing Rohn 45G (45SR040). I had my landscapers' 
help in getting the short base buried and cemented in, and unfortunately we’ve ended up crooked. I 
bolted the first section on top of the base and we’re about an inch out from top to bottom of the 
first segment.

What are my options for fixing this? I’m aware that Rohn doesn’t like drilling the bolt holes, even to get 
out the excess galvanizing, so I don’t imagine hogging out some holes would be the right way. In the archives I 
saw passing mention of bending the tops of a short base, but I wasn’t sure of the context so I don’t know 
if that’s the right approach.

I’m hoping we don’t have to jackhammer the base out and re-pour, so I’d be 
grateful for any other recommendations. Thanks!


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