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Re: [TowerTalk] 20m monoband Yagi height

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] 20m monoband Yagi height
From: <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2020 07:44:08 -0400
List-post: <>
I have 2 - 20M 4 el yagis at 35 and 80 ft.  My terrain to EU is steep and
favorable.  Within 200 ft of the tower base it drops off 110 ft.


I have extensively modelled with HFTA and done A LOT of on the air testing
both transmitting and hearing comparisons as well as receiving.


The stack is better about 75% of the time.  The Top and Bottom are often
equal except for early morning openings which favor the top but probably
only for about 30 - 45 mins.


I am in Vermont so the angles are very different here than in many parts of
the country.


As a side note, I have 6 over 6 on 15M on the same tower - 70ft and 26ft.
The 26ft yagi by itself is the best or equal to the stack or top antenna
80%+ of the time.  The stack the rest of the time.  The top alone is NEVER
the best antenna although sometimes its equal to the bottom.


HFTA is amazingly accurate in predicting the above on the air performance.


Ed  N1UR


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