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Re: [TowerTalk] Tri-Ex THS-471?

To: "Bill Winkis (Mindspring)" <>, " >> towertalk reflector" <>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Tri-Ex THS-471?
From: Jon Pearl - W4ABC <>
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2020 17:01:13 -0500
List-post: <>
Hi Bill.

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you're reading some literature on this tower.
If you're of a mind to, why not make a copy of it and upload it to the 
files area of the Crank Up, Tilt Over Towers email list at so that this information won't 
be permanently lost, one day?


Jon Pearl - W4ABC

On 11/4/2020 2:49 PM, Bill Winkis (Mindspring) wrote:
I can find no reference to a THS-471 ... there is a HS-471, it's a 4 section tower, crankup, with area measurement of each section at 22",.....19 3/8".....16 1/2" ....and the top section at 13 7/8 inches...these measurement are one side of the triangle measured from the inside to inside on the pipes.
extended height is 71" and nested at 21 1/2 feet..weight is 575 
pounds...It's a guyed tower, the guy kit is 120 pounds...all tower 
braces/struts are angles braces....
The cost of the guys $390.00..tower cost was $1177.00..Guyed the tower 
would handle 16 sqft ....
The 106 foot version of the HS series had a bottom section of 27 5/8 
Hope this helps..

Bill ... KC4PE

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