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Re: [TowerTalk] Small mast design - comments?

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Small mast design - comments?
From: jimlux <>
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2020 15:36:14 -0800
List-post: <>
On 11/12/20 1:55 PM, Ross Tucker wrote:
Thank you everybody for your help! Following the advice given so far, my
design is currently as follows:

The lower section of mast is 12' of 6061 aluminum, 2" diameter, 1/4" wall
thickness. This will be resting on a base stand (with some rocks piled on
it for good measure) at the bottom, and be attached to the wall of the RV
with 3"-wall standoff brackets at 2' up and 7' up.

The upper section of mast is 12' of 6061 aluminum, 1-1/2" diameter, 1/8"
wall thickness. _IF_ by some miracle, it happens to telescope, that's
great, but my assumption is that I will bolt this side-by-side to the lower
mast at three places, using #6 SS bolts (4" long). Just below each antenna,
we will attach guys running forward and back along the RV.

Am I missing anything important?
that looks like it would work.  Do you need that big a diameter? and you 
could probably use 1/8" wall for the bottom.  The cost difference 
probably wouldn't drive you, it's more about weight and wrestling it around.
Take a look at SpeedRail aluminum - it's used for safety handrails in 
smaller sizes (about 1.5") and it is strong enough for someone to fall 
on it without bending, and I don't think the wall is 1/4" -  I think 
it's more like 0.140"
it's *pipe* not tubing for dimensions.


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