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[TowerTalk] FCP on 160

Subject: [TowerTalk] FCP on 160
From: ARTHUR BERNSTEIN via TowerTalk <>
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2022 23:34:19 -0500
List-post: <>
I’ve had correspondence with Guy, K2AV and have downloaded his web site on the 
FCP. I really wonder if W8JI’s contention that an FCP will have poor low angle 
pattern. Could this be from its proximity to lossy ground which would  appear 
to alter the lobes at more acute angles to ground, especially lossy ground. I 
don’t recall what K2AV told me about the effectiveness of this ground system at 
low angles. It’s true he has a very good signal Stateside (which would be 
moderate to higher angles) but for long haul DX, I don’t know. Then again many 
people using ground level fed Inv-L ( like me ) who don’t have the real estate 
for elevated radials and on ground counterpoises are a non resonant maze of 
whatever wire you can put on or in ground, will likely have a very compromised 
radiator and an FCP might be an improvement.

Sent from my iPhone

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