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[TowerTalk] Experience with K0XG guy ring bearings?

Subject: [TowerTalk] Experience with K0XG guy ring bearings?
From: CEPitts <>
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2022 08:29:45 -0400
List-post: <>
Hi Jim and others who may need the following info. I speak with experience. I have some rings for 55G and a tower project that has been in the works with setbacks due to hurricanes and other storms, Extensive tree damage and clearing of downed trees. Pandemic issues as well as what most of us would call general everyday living sometimes taking a priority with family and work.
Rings were installed on tower in sections laying on ground waiting for 
crane install and the delays began. Rings exposed to elements. The 
rotation began to suffer with some of the cam followers freezing up.
I believe it was Grant KZ1W who may have addressed replacing cam 
followers in a previous post. If I am mistaken I apologize to the 
original person who may have addressed issues regarding the cam followers.
Upon removing the followers that were giving me some issues I purchased 
from MRO Supply the following two cam followers that are on my rings 
McGill CF 1 1/2 SB MRO#2249463 and McGill CFH 1 3/ 8 SB MRO# 2251461.
The "CF" and "CFH" nomenclature was stamped onto the followers if I 
remember correctly and I verified these were the ones needed with 
Richard K0XG and that was approximately 3-4 years ago. Been difficult as 
of late catching up with K0XG.
Followers can be difficult to remove however I was successful on most 
except two. Those two I will most likely take to my local mechanic down 
the road who can cut them out of the ring or my local machine shop who 
can do the removal.
I also purchased the grease fittings that can go into the new followers. 
I was fortunate to have gone up to Steve NR4M QTH for a contest a while 
back and he let me use a press in his extensive shop to press the 
fittings into the followers.
So they are ready to go for a install into the rings time permitting and 
as the project proceeds.
MRO Supply was my source but there are others on the web. Very happy 
with them.
My experience is exposure to weather over time is not your friend unless 
frequently rotated and most likely needing some sort of maintenance, 
greasing, etc. My salt air is of course the worst.environment.
These links may be helpful:

Hope this helps others! 73! Ed K5OF


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