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Re: [TowerTalk] EHS cable and torque bars

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] EHS cable and torque bars
From: Mike H <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2023 16:44:12 -0400
List-post: <>
At the suggestion of WV4P, I spoke with a Rohn engineer about the incompatibility of their TB45B torque bars and 1/4 in EHS cable. See here:

All Rohn 45G tower designs require 1/4 in EHS on at least one of the guys. My 50 ft install uses a single 1/4 in EHS guy, presumably precluding the use of torque bars.  He was not certain, but suspected the issue was simply that the shackle required for 1/4 in EHS would not clear the hole in the bar. I also have this guy bracket:

except that mine has $1000+ worth (!) of torque bars in place of the ringfills and eyelets. I asked about ordering those to replace the torque bars and he said it would be cheaper to just buy the entire bracket assembly. He also said to investigate getting substitute eyelet hardware from another vendor.
I'm open to suggestions.


On 6/9/23 21:27, Ron WV4P wrote:
When the Catenary weight of 1/4" EHS changes the angle of the torque bar to
destroying the bracket VS resisting twist it all makes sense... Adding
larger shackles compounds the issue.

Likely not an issue with your short tower but worth a call to Rohn.

Ron, WV4P

On Fri, Jun 9, 2023 at 8:21 PM Steve Maki <> wrote:

That's idiotic, or at least short sighted.

Use the biggest pin shackle that will fit in the torque arm, and 1/4"
big grips (preforms) with thimble in the shackle. This makes it easy to
remove a guy wire temporarily whenever needed.

As has been pointed out often, the torque arms don't do much for
rotational resistance, but if you have them, use them. It makes a nice

-Steve K8LX

On 2023-06-09 8:34 PM, Mike H wrote:
I acquired some used Rohn 45G in very good shape and will be going up
50 ft. Antenna will be stacked 2 x 9-el for 2m. I'm following the Rohn
engineering guidance very closely: base is a new R-SB45G buried in the
prescribed concrete block along with GAR30 guy anchors, also in
concrete. I have the older style guy bracket for 45G that has (very
expensive!) TB45D torque bars

along with several hundred feet of brand-new 1/4 in EHS for the guys.
According to the Rohn instructions, however, I can't use EHS cable
that's greater than 3/16 in:

This means I'd have to buy either smaller EHS cable or their newer guy
bracket that doesn't use torque bars. I'll do this if I have to, but
I'd sure like to understand why 1/4 in EHS is a deal-breaker for the
torque bars. QTH is north Florida so I want to make the setup as
storm-proof as practical. Any insight appreciated.



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