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Re: [TowerTalk] Modeling a self supporting tower interaction

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Modeling a self supporting tower interaction
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2024 14:25:58 -0700
List-post: <>
On 6/24/2024 1:48 PM, Jim Lux wrote:
There's two ways to approach the modeling.

I would think that modeling the elements of the tower +/- 1 or two feet from the plane of the antenna would be sufficient, modeling the tower as the three legs as thick wires and the steps and braces as thick wires roughly approximating their cross sectional area.

As Jim says, generating one set of the braces and duplicating them a few times wouldn't be too tough.

What I'd be concerned about is primarily gain ad directivity as long as SWR remains within range of what your power amp's output network is happy with. My 87As are pretty picky, others I've used not so much.

73, Jim K9YC


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