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Re: [TowerTalk] Yaesu 800 rotor pin ?

Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Yaesu 800 rotor pin ?
From: Ed Stallman <>
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2024 18:37:57 -0500
List-post: <>
Thanks everyone for all the tips and good information. I'm all set and good to go .
73 Ed N5DG

On 10/1/2024 6:13 PM, Lee K. Brown MD via TowerTalk wrote:
5/16" is just slightly smaller than an 8 mm metric bolt, and should work. You can 
also drill the hole in the clamp out a bit and use a larger bolt. Here in New Mexico, 
where the wind is always blowing (we call it a breeze even if it's 40 mph) I have had 
multiple Yaesu bolts fail. I now use a grade 8 bolt that is the next size up from 

Lee, KI7UR

Lee K. Brown MD
Emeritus Professor of Internal MedicineDivision of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep 
MedicineUniversity of New Mexico School of MedicineAssociate Editor and Founding Editor 
(“Emerging Technology”), Journal of Clinical Sleep MedicineCo-editor, Section on 
Sleep and Neurobiology, Current Opinion in Pulmonary MedicineChair, New Mexico Advisory Board for 
Respiratory CareChair, Polysomnography Practice Advisory Committee of the NM Medical Board
     On Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 04:08:38 PM MDT, 
<> wrote:

  Some people are against pinning a mast however Yaesu rotator clamps are
designed with a bolt through the mast.  I followed the manufacture's method
at my windy P40A station and never had a rotator issue.  If I recall, Yaesu
uses an 8mm socket head cap screw. and I believe they call for a Ø9mm hole
50mm from the end of the mast.

John KK9A

Ed Stallman N5DG wrote:

   I'm using the rotor turning  a 6m 30ft boom.  It has slipped at the
rotator from Hurricane  Beryl . I would like to pin the mast , not
having the manual , what diameter bolt is needed ?

Thanks Ed N5DG


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