I have worked on a few decrepit AM sites.
They run on a wing and a prayer and it's hard to understand why owners hang
onto the.
No doubt there is some sentimentality and optimism involved. There are a few
small town areas where people actually listen to weekend high school football,
but they are fading, so to speak.
Yes, there absolutely sites where this could happen, at least the
dropping/cutting part.
I watched three 200 footers dropped in the space of an hour. There were no
close neighbors and no one cared. We went in and out at all hours and two
pickups could carry 200 feet of small tower.
Some time would be required to clean up the guys, easily accomplished an a
couple of hours.
I have removed and sold a transmitter, easily carried in a pickup. Gates, 1KW.
It was sold to a ham who stripped it for the iron and took the rest to a
landfill. I got some 833As, want any??
I would think a canvass of local scrap yards would be a good idea.
I was also involved at a site where a bush hog cut a guy anchor and brought
down a similar tower.
We put them back on with an end fed wire, up about 30 ft. The coverage was
pretty good and caught most of the market.
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