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Re: [Trlog] post 693 problems

To: <>
Subject: Re: [Trlog] post 693 problems
From: "J. Edward Muns" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 01:19:55 +0000
List-post: <">>
> Okay, I'm good to go. Post.693 now works.
> I have no idea what fixed it as I made to many changes to know
> what was wrong before.
> I used a different PC.
> I made a brand new directory.
> I download again but I think from a different place on
> Tree's website. Anyway it is the one with all his "other" files like
> his trip to visit me in Alaska and collect his TRLog user fee. This
> guy hunts you down one by one.
> Now it works. I could go back and find what really was wrong but
> it is past my nap time. I think it was an old file in my /log directory
> as it has a lot of "stuff" from many years of updates.
Glad its working, Rich.  You may not have had those two drivers in the 
directory with POST.EXE.  They are required with the latest POST.  You'll see 
them in the POST 6.93 Zip.
Ed - W0YK
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