Tree N6TR <> wrote:
>> True, but one thing you don't have too much of on VHF is the
>> big time spotting on the clusters that you have on HF. Sorta
>> like the contest where ZF2MM was posted a hundred times or so.
>> That would seem to border on non-ham means during a contest.
>Totally agree Frank. ?However, I would like to point out that
>using cluster information puts you in a different category in
>HF contests. ?Using skeds on VHF doesn't.
True, but it doesn't put in in a different category on HF if a zillion of my
friends spot me, only if I look at who else is being spotted. If I have a run
going and am so busy because others have spotted me that I don't need to check
other spots I have the best of both worlds. I get the benefits of spotting
without the category cost.