well, the rovermobile is iffy...I don't hear any beacons,
and no one wants to run bands, so I may not be working...but:
FN00rg Blue Knob 2pm-7pm
FN01xa near Snow shoe 830-11p
FN11aa near Snow Shoe 11-130 or so
drive and sleep a bit
FN10bb Broad Mtn. 0630-9am
FM19aw Big Mtn. 930-noon
FM09vv Town Hill 1230-3 or so
then a long drive to pick FM08 somewhere
on the way to FM29aa, FM28xa, FM18xx
on the eastern shore of MD. then home.
All bands, totally untested, 6M-24G, no 47G this time...
Try 144.137 or .237, .085 elsewhere,
dedicated coord freq:
222.35 (NOT 223.5) FM horizontal simplex...
squirt some FM in my direction, and I will hear
you and run bands with you...try it..IT WORKS!