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Re: [VHFcontesting] controversy

To: frank bechdoldt <k3uhf@hotmail.com>, <vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] controversy
From: k4gun@comcast.net
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2008 14:28:48 +0000
List-post: <vhfcontesting@contesting.com">mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Perhaps it would help to get an idea what other rovers are doing as far as 
contacts with other rovers.  In June, I made 251 QSOs.  Of those, 13 were with 
other rovers.  This was as a Limited Rover.  That's just over 5% of my total 
QSO count.  

I would be very curious to hear what the others are doing.  Those of you who 
have more experience than me, what is the absolute maximum number of times you 
could imagine contacting other rovers without going as part of a group?  What 
is your log showing?  Is it 10 to 20 percent?  Am I low?  


-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: frank bechdoldt <k3uhf@hotmail.com> 

> contriversy is generated by a typo while controversy is often caused by doing 
> things in the gray areas to achieve a personal gain in such a way others 
> would 
> not. 
> Its also generated when several reasonable people think something may not be 
> reasonable there hasn't been a complaint or discussion on here about towers 
> too 
> tall antennas too long ect.... 
> Again a undocumented rover may not be much different than a captive rover 
> except 
> the undocumented rover has no papers turned in but was heard by others while 
> a 
> captive rover may be heard by few and turns in papers. 
> There are some ways to top the controversy of those who gone before us to put 
> up 
> an larger and more controversial score in some other fashion. Like haveing a 
> van of guys follow you with gear and set up as potable staions for a few 
> minutes 
> so they can activate the square youe are visiting or circling. Would that be 
> controversial? Or just a hole in the rules? A win is a win right? 
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