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[VHFcontesting] "Maidenhead" iPhone App

To: VHF Contesting Reflector <vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Subject: [VHFcontesting] "Maidenhead" iPhone App
From: Nate Duehr <nate@natetech.com>
Date: Sun, 31 May 2009 19:51:59 -0600
List-post: <vhfcontesting@contesting.com">mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
For those roving in the contest...

I had an e-mail from another fellow ham a month or two ago saying that  
his young son's first attempt at programming and releasing "real"  
software resulted in the program available on the iTunes App Store as  

It's a measly buck, and it works great mixing the AT&T "assisted" cell  
network location information and the real GPS receiver in the iPhone  
3G (and I assume at least using the assisted mode on the older iPhones  
that don't have GPS...) to give you your Maidenhead grid locator to  
"eight places"...

Just thought I'd mention it again if I hadn't to this list.  For $1...  
it's hard to go wrong, and it encourages a ham's kid who just wrote  
his first commercially-released program.

Nate Duehr, WY0X

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