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[VHFcontesting] FT4 mode

To: VHFcontesting@contesting.com
Subject: [VHFcontesting] FT4 mode
From: Brian Dickman <brian.dickman@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 10:47:01 -0700
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
Since the topic hasn't appeared on this list yet, I figured it would be a
good idea to make folks here aware of the pending WSJT FT4 mode in case
they hadn't seen it already.

The tl;dr:
* 2.5X faster than FT8
* Same contesting features as FT8
* Automatic search and pounce mode
* 144.170MHz proposed 2m frequency

To read more, here's a couple links:

* http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/FT4_Protocol.pdf
of a club talk Joe Taylor made about FT4)

Notable dates:

• April 29: Second announcement, with links to downloadable installation
for WSJT-X 2.1.0-rc5
• May 9, 0000 – 0100 UTC: FT4 practice session, 7.090 MHz
• May 14, 0000 – 0100 UTC: FT4 practice session, 7.090 MHz
• June 5, 0000 – 0100 UTC: FT4 practice session, 7.090 MHz (if needed)
• July 15: General Availability (GA) release of WSJT-X 2.1.0

An RC version is already available now for testing. In other words, you get
to juggle another new digital mode for this summer's contest season!

As I mentioned earlier, the proposed 2m frequency is 144.170MHz (USB dial
frequency). It's inevitable that this becomes as popular; if not more
popular than FT8 for contests. You would still need FT8 to dig out really
weak signals, but for everyone that bangs into your station at -10db and
higher, FT4 is a no brainer given the potentially higher QSO/hr count.

If you have direct feedback for the developers, especially about the
frequency selection, I suggest you send that to the wsjt-devel mailing list
rather than here.

Brian AF7MD
VHFcontesting mailing list
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