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[VHFcontesting] No Joy, Jan VHF/UHF 10 Bands

To: vhfcontesting@contesting.com
Subject: [VHFcontesting] No Joy, Jan VHF/UHF 10 Bands
From: Alan Larson <wa6azp@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2025 12:51:48 -0700
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
John, KM4KMU, wrote:
> N1MM decided to send TX signal to the Yaesu 991A constantly.? The K3 that
ran 902 up was fine.? No matter what I did inside N1MM or on the Yaesu with
RTS or DTR I couldn't fix it.? Listened and called CQ on 902 and 1296 for a
couple hrs, no Joy, not surprised.

Was it not possible to disconnect the computer, plug in the microphone and
a key into the 991a and work people?

Speaking of 991/991A, am I the only person left with an original FT-991
(not A)?  I would have considered trading it in except that
my wife got it for me, and I have some strong sentimental attachment to
her, and therefore some to it.  It is, however, as a radio,
somewhat disappointing.  Some questions for other folks who have 991 or
991A - (1) Do you have a birdie on 2 meters - I have
one around 147.45.  It is audible with another radio near the 991 - clearly
there and reasonably loud on a handheld 2 or 3 feet
away from the 991.  Most annoying because that frequency is a used simplex
channel in the area.  (2) The default initial squelch
setting for 50 and 430 MHz is fine, just one click away from open, and
works well.  On 2 meters, it pops open every few seconds
unless the setting is raised quite a lot from that point.  I don't know
what the source of the signal that keeps opening the squelch
is, but it happens across 2 meters.  (3) The stock microphone gets reports
of muffled, muddy, audio.  There have been fixes
sold online for it, but one wonders why Yaesu never caught on and fixed it.

I sent it in to Yaesu in Southern California for the first two problems,
and they sent it back saying no problem found, that it
was normal.  Comments on the phone about it was that it was not a
professional radio.

So, do others with these two models have similar problems?  Makes me wish
my old FT-480r had not given up the ghost.

As for the contest, taking care of my wife left me, the radios, and
antennas, spread across two states.  No radio for me.

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