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Re: [VHFcontesting] [NEWSVHF] 222 MHz Activity Night

To: David Olean <k1whs@metrocast.net>
Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] [NEWSVHF] 222 MHz Activity Night
From: Terry Price <terry@directivesystems.com>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2025 14:45:10 -0500
List-post: <mailto:vhfcontesting@contesting.com>
I will be on from FM09te and monitor ON4KST for skeds.

Terry Price - W8ZN
Directive Systems and Engineering

On Tue, Feb 25, 2025 at 2:43 PM David Olean <k1whs@metrocast.net> wrote:

> Hello VHFers
> Please try to get on 222 MHz this evening as it promises to be a
> rip-snortin' event. There will be all sorts of excitement and you don't
> want to miss it. I have it on good authority that WZ1V is offering
> Polish beer to anyone who manages to contact him this evening.   I am
> not sure of the delivery process, but i am sure that Good Buddy Ron will
> come up with a good method for delivery.
> I am all psyched about this evening as the snow is finally melting and
> the thermometer just hit 50 degrees with partial sunshine.  I have been
> preparing for this evening by using my snowblower to cut a trail across
> my field up to the woods line. (The snow was 2 ft deep in the field)
> Then I put on my snow shoes and trudge up the hill from that point.
> There is now a trail going up the hill. I have new neighbors across the
> street and they are young and full of energy. They made a snow shoe
> trail and all I have to do is follow their footsteps in the snow.  This
> warmth today, and seeing the snow finally start melting has gotten me
> all excited and planning repairs to my busted rotators and everything
> else that gets hammered over the winter up here.  Our last storm was a
> doozy with very high winds here. Snow totals were light. This area saw
> 7-10 inches of the stuff with a slight crust of freezing rain.   I can't
> wait to get up the hill and see how stuff has survived. I am hoping all
> is well. Temps this week will be in the 40's so lots of melting. Maybe I
> can deliver some diesel in a few weeks?
> So the activity starts after dinner at 00:00 UT or so. I am usually
> there at 23:45 or so.  Look around 222.1 or so on SSB, CW or  even FT8
> on 222.174. There will be activityI have missed the last two 222 nights
> so I am suffering from some serious withdrawal pains.   I have missed
> hearing W1XR, K3SK, W8ZN, WA3EOQ,  and the Western NY folks N2JMH,
> W2BPY, and W9KXI.  I did get a note from Al, W9KXI along with a picture
> of a nice beach in Florida. Now that the temps are flirting with 50
> degrees today I don't feel so bad!!  The frozen Great White North guys
> should be coming out of hibernation too. VE3KG, VE2XX, W1AIM, VE3FN,
> W1GHZ and N1JEZ will start getting some warmth and rotators will get un
> stuck as activity starts bouncing back. If you have not been very active
> on Tuesdays, a good idea is to keep tabs on the ON4KST Chat page
> (144/432 Region 2) and let people know that you are QRV so they can look
> for you.  I am hoping to be on for a memorable night on 222 MHz.
> Besides the Polish Beer offer, I believe that K1PXE will award a few
> feline fur balls to anyone who contacts him this evening. So there is no
> excuse not to aim towards Connecticut.  I don't have any give aways and
> no bass boats, but you never know what that mysterious 222 MHz Activiity
> Committee will come up with.  The point is to get on, make a few
> contacts, and, who knows? You might win a prize.
> 73
> Dave K1WHS
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