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[WriteLog] SS ss# Key Input Question from N0AH

To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: [WriteLog] SS ss# Key Input Question from N0AH
From: jbastin@sssnet.com (John E Bastin, K8AJS)
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2001 10:56:24 -0500
At 00:18 -0500 11/01/2001, Frank Grossman (WB2BXO) wrote:
>So, the required serial number syntax is %n -- not just %? 

If you enter just the %, how is the program supposed to know whether you want 
the serial number, call sign (%C), check for dupe (%B) and so forth?

>I don't think
>leading zeros are really needed in SS exchanges, though they reduce
>confusion in other contests.  Must I specify %1 to transmit the number?

The WriteLog help file CLEARLY states:

'The memories have the following special properties if there is a "%" character 
followed by a:

'digit n (in the range 1 through 5)

(Seems pretty plain to me - the '%' character FOLLOWED BY A DIGIT n - K8AJS)

'the current QSO number is substituted for the % when that message is sent. The 
number sent will be preceded by enough "T" characters in Morse (or "0" digits 
in RTTY) to ensure that at least n characters are sent in the number. For 
example, if the sequence number is one, and there is a "%3" in the F3 field, 
then pressing F3 will send "TT1". This is for contests that require a "three 
digit serial number".'

You can set it for however many digits you want, from one through five. I don't 
do Sweepstakes, but in other contests I've found that three digits padded with 
zeroes results in less confusion on the other end and a better rate. As you 
say, in SS it may not be as much of a consideration.

Hope this helps.

J o h n   B a s t i n           K 8 A J S
jbastin@sssnet.com         K8AJS@arrl.net

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