With earlier versions of Writelog, I had to change the CI-V address on my
IC-756 ProII to that of a ProI and select the IC-756 Pro I option in Ports
I notice now in the latest version of Writelog, all three models (which
have different addresses) are options.
Also remember to match the baud rate.
Jerry, W6IHG
At 09:27 PM 1/29/2008 +0000, A.Oskarsson wrote:
>I'm trying to get WL to read the freq. from my IC-756PROII. So far I haven't
>Interface is only for reading the freq. and is connected to USB port no. 6,
>and that setup works with MixW, N1MMLogger and Logger 32.
>I have inserted in the INI file the following command: Commslot2=6 and it
>shows up in Setup > Ports window.
>Tried different baud rates, and so on, but no gain, just pain.
>73 Seli TF3AO
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Dr. Jerry R. Pixton, PIXOS Designs
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