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Re: [WriteLog] % L in rtty F key memory not working

To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] % L in rtty F key memory not working
From: "Gary AL9A" <al9a@mtaonline.net>
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2013 11:59:08 -0900
List-post: <writelog@contesting.com">mailto:writelog@contesting.com>

The C entry field is rarely, if ever, used. I could not find the specific reference to it in the Help manual just now, but its purpose is to help resolve confusion over the possibility that a given country prefix may not adequately define the exact DXCC country. I believe where there is confusion a list of possible suffix identifiers can be displayed by clicking on the C button and selecting the correct designator.
For example, 3D2 could be Fiji, Conway Reef or Rotuma Is., while CE0 could 
be Easter Is., Juan Fernandez Is., or San Felix & San Ambrosio.  Then there 
are the French FO prefixes which could be Austral Islands, Clipperton Is., 
French Polynesia, or Marquesas Is.  I'm not sure if any of these examples 
are actually confusing to WL, as usually the number of the call or a letter 
of the suffix will serve to clarify the exact entity, but if there is still 
confusion the C field can come into play.
Gary AL9A

----- Original Message ----- From: "James Balls" <makidoja@gmail.com>
To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Sent: January 23, 2013 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] % L in rtty F key memory not working

Hi Gary

great will give that a try

Can I ask what the C entry field is for as I’ve not come across this before
in other software?


Sent from Windows Mail

*From:* Gary AL9A <al9a@mtaonline.net>
*Sent:* 22 January 2013 21:57
*To:* writelog@contesting.com
*Subject:* Re: [WriteLog] % L in rtty F key memory not working

Hi Jim,

Glad to hear %L is now working for you.

To use the call stack first review the Help manual section "Entry Push/Pop
Call Queue".  There are several things you can do to your writelog.ini file
to make manipulation of the stack very easy.

First, create a new section in your writelog.ini file as below:


The default in Rittyrite is if you right click on a call a drop box opens
with some default selections.  One of these is to Push Call to the stack.
If you add the above line to your ini file the drop box goes away as the
only option left is PUSHCALL.  This now becomes the default of a right
mouse click on a call.  There is no visible feed back, but the call is
added to the stack.  If the CALL field is empty you can see the first three
calls in the stack just to the left of the CALL box where the next number
is usually shown.

Now you need a way to manipulate the stack if necessary.  I did this by
creating two keyboard shortcut keys, the "[" and "]" keys which were unused
for anything else.  You can use the Setup/Keyboard Shortcuts... utility in
WriteLog or just add the following two lines to your KeyboardShortcuts
section in your ini file if you have one.


These two keys when toggled one after the other will cycle through all the
calls in the stack - Pop, Push, Pop, Push, etc.  If you have a call you
want to delete from the stack just cycle through the stacked calls until
the one you want is in the CALL field and then hit Alt+W to wipe it out of
the stack.  I rarely have more than two or three calls in the stack so it
is fairly easy to manage.

I now create two shortcut macros for RTTY use.

F8 - "%R%C TU %L "
F9 - "NOW %C 599 nnn %C "

During a run if I am called by more than one station whose calls print
clearly I click on the first call I want and hit Insert.  This starts
sending my exchange message to him.  After hitting Insert, while my
exchange is being sent, I right click on the second call to Push the call
onto the stack.  After my exchange message ends I receive the exchange from
the first station and left click the report into the correct fields in the
Entry window.  When his exchange info to me is ready to log I hit the F8
key followed immediately by the F9 key.  This logs the first call and his
information, Pops the next call from the stack into the CALL field and
sends the combined macro strings together to parse the NOW... message.

Really easy and seamless way to manage the pileup.  Give it try and I'm
sure you will agree.

Gary AL9A

----- Original Message ----- From: "James Balls" <makidoja@gmail.com>
To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Sent: January 22, 2013 1:28 AM
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] % L in rtty F key memory not working

Hi all

OK got it working now

I'm interested in this statement from Gary

Fn = "%R%C TU %L ", which should  send TU to the current call, log that
call and then pop the next call from the stack into the Call field.

which part of that puts the next call in the stack into the call field

What happens if it's a busted call? just manually edit?


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