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[WriteLog] Band map won't stay docked to main window

To: WriteLog <writelog@contesting.com>
Subject: [WriteLog] Band map won't stay docked to main window
From: Jim Reisert AD1C <jjreisert@alum.mit.edu>
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2020 11:07:43 -0700
List-post: <mailto:writelog@contesting.com>
Last night I operated a bit of the ARRL 10m contest, and all was fine.

This morning when I started WriteLog, the Band Map was a small square
in the upper-left corner of my left monitor, not docked to the main
window on my right monitor.  I've redocked and re-started, but I can't
make it stay.  How do I fix this?

Jim Reisert AD1C, <jjreisert@alum.mit.edu>, https://www.ad1c.us
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