I spent the day today implementing the W8JI keying mods to my MP (see
http://www.w8ji.com/keyclick_mp.htm) and now am a bit baffled by the
results. Before doing this, I talked with a couple of friends to see what
their experience had been. Both were overwhelmingly enthusiastic, and in
response to my key question of what values they found to be optimal for R1
and R2 mentioned "it was somewhere near the maximum". I spent lots of time
testing after I finished installing the mod, and truthfully I couldn't hear
any difference in my second receiver (listening 1000 Hz or so off my
carrier) no matter how I adjusted the two trim pots. In order to maintain a
reference point, I put the mod in with a DPST switch on the back of the rig
which would enable or disable the mods. When enabled, the W8JI mod clearly
makes a huge difference. I've now run several blind tests on people, and
everybody notices the difference. But what baffles me is that Tom--whom I
trust completely on these matters--made the comment on the web page I
referenced that the selection of R1 and R2 is critical. What's going on
By the way, if anybody wants to play on the air, I'm available any time of
day or night.
Bruce, N6NT