Call : ZL1BHQ
Operator : ZL1BHQ
Band Bonus QSO's QSO's
80 20 20
40 44 83
20 23 29
Total 87 132 Total Score: 2,400
Rig : FT1000 MPV (Field), Amp 500 watts
Ant. : 140' Centre Fed Inverted Vee @ 15m
Good band conditions on both 80m and 40m, but other bands were a
disappointment, no doubt due to the state of the current Solar Cycle.
Had neighbourhood Plasma TV QRM/N during the latter stages of the Contest,
which impeded a mini run of G's on 40m. Another enjoyable BERU and hope to be
back at ZL6A, along with Ken, ZL1AIH and Aki, ZL1GO, in 2009.
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