W4PA NAQP CW single operator
811 QSO's / 208 mults = 168,688 claimed score.
Breakdown by band:
160: 107/29
80: 219/47
40: 254/50
20: 153/51
15: 68/28
10: 10/3
Rigs: Two Ten-Tec Omni-VI+ transceivers, 100 watts output
TR logging software, 486 laptop, W9WBL keyer paddle.
Random comments:
I took my first 30 minutes of off-time at 2048Z, less than four hours into
the contest. The rate was not going as well as I had hoped, and after
returning at 2118, I operated another 18 minutes before taking a second
30 minute break at 2136Z. I was hoping that the higher bands would show
a glimmer of something happening, but instead 40 meters got going
at a pretty good clip during the 2200Z hour and I never went back to 15.
I was off of 20 meters for good not long after, making my last contact
there just after 0000Z. 10 meters never opened. I worked N5KO and a
few other California stations on 10 and nothing else was heard. I even
missed Tennessee on 10m as K4LTA, my usual contact there was not heard.
15m was not much better, with almost no short skip to make up for the lack
of 10m. K4OJ responded to my CQ on 20 just as I was coming across his CQ
on 15 meters, so that was a little amusing, him calling me on one band
followed by me calling him right back on the other. An interesting note
was a number of stations I worked early on 160 that were not heard
anywhere else...wonder why? Did not hear or work any west coast on 160.
I did have some success at moving mults but not as much as hoped; the
few I did move were just to one other band, I don't think I had a move
that resulted in three QSO's. All in all I am happy with the results
as this is the first time I've made over 800 QSO's in this contest.
Scott Robbins, W4PA, Gatlinburg, TN.
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Submissions: 3830@contesting.com
Administrative requests: 3830-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems: owner-3830@contesting.com