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[3830] ARRL 10 W6YX(N7MH) SO Mixed HP

To: 3830@contesting.com
Subject: [3830] ARRL 10 W6YX(N7MH) SO Mixed HP
From: webform@b41h.net
Reply-to: n7mh@arrl.net
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2012 12:42:09 -0800
List-post: <3830@contesting.com">mailto:3830@contesting.com>
                    ARRL 10-Meter Contest

Call: W6YX
Operator(s): N7MH
Station: W6YX

Class: SO Mixed HP
Operating Time (hrs): 27
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   CW:  877    83
  SSB: 1092    85
Total: 1969   168  Total Score = 956,256

Club: Northern California Contest Club


Last year we had a large group of operators for our M/S effort and I assumed
we'd get the same turnout this year but no one, myself included, responded to
the request for operators.  So I showed up, didn't turn on packet spots, and
ended up going S/O Mixed.

I lost a few minutes at the start of the contest when I discovered that the
cabling to one of the amps had been bypassed for the 10-Meter RTTY contest the
previous weekend.  I set up the station for SO2R with one radio exclusively on
CW and the other exclusively on SSB.

The first evening was slow.  Mostly locals in CA, a few Es QSOs out to as far
as TX and XE2, one CE station, a couple ZLs, and meteor Q's with K7SS and

In the morning the band was dead until just after 1400Z.  Then the western
states started to come in on CW including KS and SD.  AC8Y in VA was the first
east coast mult at 1429Z.  I S&P'ed for a while and worked stations from ME to
FL but only west to TN and WV.

At 1513Z signals had picked up enough that I started getting answers to my CQs.
 I alternated running on both modes, S&Ping on the other mode.  Signals were
weak so CW was more productive.  Occasionally I'd try dual CQing which usually
resulted in losing one of the run frequencies when I needed a repeat of a
callsign or exchange on the other mode.

Between 1600 and 1800 the propagation shifted to South America, Central America
and the Caribbean.  A few weak US stations were worked during these two hours
but mostly in Atlantic or Gulf states.  At 1820Z the band opened better to W1,
W2 and VE3 but still with weak signals.  Finally at 1845Z signals got much
stronger and the opening expanded to W8's.  I began working 4 to 6 per minute
on phone and had 243 Q's in the 1900 hour, all on phone.

The opening expanded to include W3, W4 and Indiana.  One Wisconsin station made
it into the log but nothing was heard from Illinois or any W0 state.  Conditions
held through the 2000 hour during which I worked 135 on CW but then the rate
began to drop and the opening ended at 2130.  A few more FL and VA were worked
but the next couple of hours was slow with just South Americans and CA.

I beamed toward the Pacific with one antenna and finally worked VK on both
modes and picked up ZL on phone.  At 2331 I was called by JG1ILF on CW for my
first and only JA of the day.  AH0BT and NH2DX also called in on CW for new

Shortly after 0100 we had a better Es opening than the day before which
included TX, NM, XE2 and a couple of AL stations.  Even though signals were
strong the activity was light.  I turned off the radios at 0200 as I'd
committed to a family dinner on Saturday assuming conditions would be equally
as poor as on Friday.

After dinner and a video I returned to the station at 0530.  Nothing was heard
and in CQing for 15 minutes I only worked one local, Ira/K2RD.  I noticed that
one of the antennas was acting like it had an intermittent connection.  The
band noise would drop to nothing two or three seconds after transmitting.  I
decided to wait for the morning and see if the issue resolved itself.

I started up in the morning at 1400 and immediately had problems with the amp
faulting on the suspect antenna.  Since the band wasn't open this was a good
time to trace the feedline and try to fix it.  Replacing an N barrel connector
in the overhead cable tray fixed the intermittent issue.

There was not much new to be worked in the 1400 hour.  In a brief chat with
K3EST he told me that east coast stations were working Asia long path but he
couldn't hear the spotted Asia stations using the N6RO stacks.  I didn't hear
them either and was periodically CQing in that direction.

At 1500 I began to get propagation to FL and the Caribbean.  The Caribbean
stations were much stronger than on Saturday and I S&Ped for a while to try to
get DX mults I'd missed the day before.  ZS was found on both modes and I ended
up working 12 total ZS stations.

Running attracted more South America and other DX stations than on Saturday.  I
could not duplicate the high rates of Saturday as it was much harder to pull out
callsigns and serial numbers for the DX stations and fast QSB caused many US
stations to disappear before I could get their exchange.

At 1646 I was called by TM6M on CW for my first EU.  I also worked one France
on phone, several EAs on both modes and CR6K on phone for a total of 11 EU.  I
was called by 7Q7 on phone for my most exotic DX of the contest.  I missed the
7P8 that others reported working.

Propagation to the eastern US was similar to Saturday but opened further to the
west with my first IL worked at 1759.  W0 was still missing and the only new
state worked was IA on CW at 2100Z.  The band remained open to the east until
at least 2240, much later than on Saturday.

I heard a couple of JAs on CW at 2240 but they couldn't hear me.  I started
CQing in that direction and had a slow run going on CW.  I had only one JA call
me on phone so I mostly ran on CW and picked off a few that I heard running on
phone.  I worked a second Asian mult on phone when I found YB8FL in the last
half hour.  JA signals dropped off in the final half hour and only six JAs were
worked after 2330.

After reading other reports I realize that I missed several easy mults that I
would surely have worked if I'd used the spotting network.  I didn't even know
that D4C was on, never heard them.  I worked PJ2T only on phone.  I briefly
heard VY2ZM on CW but he faded before I had a chance to call.  No MN, MO, NE,
ND, VE4, VE6, VE8/VY1 or VO were heard.  Only 12 XEs accounting for 7 mults
were worked.

I must have had one-way propagation to N7AT.  I called them at least 10
different times on CW and just about every time I got a ? in reply but after
sending my callsign a couple of times I'd hear them sending CQ again.

During the slower times when I was S&Ping on CW I began to notice that N6TV
would invariably be next to work the station I'd found.  TV-Bob would see my
strong signal on his P3 and jump to that frequency to be next in line.  I was
using an FT1000MP and MarkV with no band scope so I couldn't reciprocate and
work the stations he found.

Below I've included Cabrillo statistics from CBSW, separating the CW and SSB by
changing all of the 28.0 to 21.0 in the log to get the separate stats and then
editing the CBSW output to get CW/SSB column headings and remove the other

Thanks for all the Q's.

-Mike, N7MH

Cabrillo Statistics           (Version 10g)           by K5KA & N6TV


-- Q S O   R a t e   S u m m a r y -----
Hour      CW    SSB    Rate Total    Pct
0000      36      0     36     36    1.8
0100       4     16     20     56    2.8
0200       6     12     18     74    3.8
0300       5      1      6     80    4.1
0400       3      7     10     90    4.6
0500       0      0      0     90    4.6
0600       0      0      0     90    4.6
0700       0      0      0     90    4.6
0800       0      0      0     90    4.6
0900       0      0      0     90    4.6
1000       0      0      0     90    4.6
1100       0      0      0     90    4.6
1200       0      0      0     90    4.6
1300       0      0      0     90    4.6
1400      18      1     19    109    5.5
1500     119      5    124    233   11.8
1600      43     56     99    332   16.9
1700      20     45     65    397   20.2
1800      34     54     88    485   24.6
1900       0    243    243    728   37.0
2000     135      3    138    866   44.0
2100      35     29     64    930   47.2
2200      17      3     20    950   48.2
2300      10      8     18    968   49.2
0000       6      7     13    981   49.8
0100      16     10     26   1007   51.1
0200       0      0      0   1007   51.1
0300       0      0      0   1007   51.1
0400       0      0      0   1007   51.1
0500       0      1      1   1008   51.2
0600       0      0      0   1008   51.2
0700       0      0      0   1008   51.2
0800       0      0      0   1008   51.2
0900       0      0      0   1008   51.2
1000       0      0      0   1008   51.2
1100       0      0      0   1008   51.2
1200       0      0      0   1008   51.2
1300       0      0      0   1008   51.2
1400       0      2      2   1010   51.3
1500      10     35     45   1055   53.6
1600      16    133    149   1204   61.1
1700      39     82    121   1325   67.3
1800      76     43    119   1444   73.3
1900      30     83    113   1557   79.1
2000      80     18     98   1655   84.1
2100      21    140    161   1816   92.2
2200      46     43     89   1905   96.7
2300      52     12     64   1969  100.0
Total    877   1092   1969

Gross QSOs=2020        Dupes=51        Net QSOs=1969

Unique callsigns worked = 1773

The best 60 minute rate was 254/hour from 1853 to 1952
The best 30 minute rate was 274/hour from 1900 to 1929
The best 10 minute rate was 294/hour from 1927 to 1936

The best 1 minute rates were:
 6 QSOs/minute    9 times.
 5 QSOs/minute   27 times.
 4 QSOs/minute   89 times.
 3 QSOs/minute  173 times.
 2 QSOs/minute  239 times.
 1 QSOs/minute  427 times.

--- C o n t i n e n t   S u m m a r y ---
                  CW    SSB  Total    Pct
North America    746    976   1722   87.5
South America     52     84    136    6.9
Europe             6      5     11    0.6
Asia              57      5     62    3.1
Africa             4     11     15    0.8
Oceania           12     11     23    1.2
Total              0    877   1092   1969

Number of letters in callsigns
Letters  # worked
   3         2
   4       745
   5       758
   6       447
   7         6
   8         9
   9         2

--- C o u n t r y   S u m m a r y -----
Country         CW    SSB  Total    Pct
6Y               1      0      1    0.1
7Q               0      1      1    0.1
C6               1      2      3    0.2
CE               4      8     12    0.6
CM               4      6     10    0.5
CT               0      1      1    0.1
CX               4      6     10    0.5
EA               5      3      8    0.4
EA8              1      0      1    0.1
F                1      1      2    0.1
FY               0      1      1    0.1
HC               2      1      3    0.2
HI               0      2      2    0.1
HK               1      2      3    0.2
HR               0      1      1    0.1
J3               1      0      1    0.1
J7               0      1      1    0.1
JA              57      5     62    3.1
K              685    895   1580   80.2
KG4              1      6      7    0.4
KH0              1      1      2    0.1
KH2              1      0      1    0.1
KH6              1      1      2    0.1
KL               5      6     11    0.6
KP2              0      1      1    0.1
KP4              2      6      8    0.4
LU              16     28     44    2.2
OA               0      1      1    0.1
P4               1      1      2    0.1
PJ2              0      1      1    0.1
PJ4              1      1      2    0.1
PY              23     33     56    2.8
TG               0      1      1    0.1
TI               1      2      3    0.2
V3               1      1      2    0.1
V5               1      0      1    0.1
VE              37     35     72    3.7
VK               4      4      8    0.4
VP2V             1      0      1    0.1
VP5              1      0      1    0.1
VP9              0      1      1    0.1
XE               4      8     12    0.6
YB               0      1      1    0.1
YN               0      1      1    0.1
YV               0      1      1    0.1
ZF               1      1      2    0.1
ZL               5      4      9    0.5
ZS               2     10     12    0.6
Total          877   1092   1969

-M u l t i p l i e r   S u m m a r y-
Mult      CW    SSB  Total    Pct
-DX-     144    141    285   14.5
FL        72    106    178    9.0
CA        83     81    164    8.3
OH        32     81    113    5.7
NC        45     52     97    4.9
VA        37     54     91    4.6
NY        45     41     86    4.4
PA        34     41     75    3.8
MI        24     48     72    3.7
GA        22     48     70    3.6
TN        32     32     64    3.3
MA        23     36     59    3.0
ON        28     27     55    2.8
MD        24     26     50    2.5
NJ        18     30     48    2.4
IN        10     33     43    2.2
AL        26     14     40    2.0
SC        10     27     37    1.9
KY        13     20     33    1.7
IL        14     15     29    1.5
NH        13     14     27    1.4
TX        12     14     26    1.3
CT        10     13     23    1.2
WI        13      9     22    1.1
WV         6     14     20    1.0
MS         8     12     20    1.0
CO        10      3     13    0.7
LA         5      7     12    0.6
AK         5      6     11    0.6
DE         4      5      9    0.5
RI         4      4      8    0.4
DC         5      3      8    0.4
AZ         4      3      7    0.4
WA         4      2      6    0.3
ME         3      3      6    0.3
VT         3      3      6    0.3
QC         2      4      6    0.3
NV         2      3      5    0.3
NM         4      1      5    0.3
EMX        1      3      4    0.2
BCS        2      1      3    0.2
MT         2      1      3    0.2
NS         1      2      3    0.2
BC         2      1      3    0.2
NB         3      0      3    0.2
ID         1      1      2    0.1
AR         2      0      2    0.1
OR         2      0      2    0.1
DF         0      2      2    0.1
HI         1      1      2    0.1
KS         1      0      1    0.1
WY         0      1      1    0.1
SD         1      0      1    0.1
UT         1      0      1    0.1
SK         1      0      1    0.1
SON        1      0      1    0.1
PUE        0      1      1    0.1
GTO        0      1      1    0.1
PE         0      1      1    0.1
IA         1      0      1    0.1
OK         1      0      1    0.1
Total    877   1092   1969

U.S. Call Areas Worked
Area    QSOs     Pct
   0      30     1.5
   1     154     7.8
   2     177     9.0
   3     157     8.0
   4     465    23.6
   5      74     3.8
   6     152     7.7
   7      37     1.9
   8     224    11.4
   9     110     5.6
Total   1580    80.2

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