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[3830] CaQP N6WT SOCntyExp LP

To: 3830@contesting.com, kilo6dko@gmail.com
Subject: [3830] CaQP N6WT SOCntyExp LP
From: webform@b4h.net
Reply-to: kilo6dko@gmail.com
Date: Sun, 06 Oct 2019 21:11:32 +0000
List-post: <mailto:3830@contesting.com>
                    California QSO Party - 2019

Call: N6WT
Operator(s): N6WT
Station: N6WT

Class: SOCntyExp LP
QTH: Westport, CA
Operating Time (hrs): 10.5

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
   40:   67     25
   20:   90     24
   15:    2       
Total:  159     49  Mults = 47  Total Score = 27,166



This was an expedition to MEND, I was told I was the only one in the county. I
had many problems. 

First I was in a canyon. Never having been to this RV park I had no idea what to
expect. If I had known what I know now I would have picked a spot out in the

The verticle antenna I wanted to use did not work as expected. I had tested it
at home but something was not right when I set it up. I had to scramble to put
up the dipole I use for SOTA. Stations were very hard to hear. I had planned to
work a lot more SSB but this was very difficult. Thank goodness for CW!

At the start of the contest, I had a pipeline into the Northeast on 20m, but
that was it. Things opened up after that. 

My Flex 6500 started to die. When I started on Sunday I turned on the radio. I
could hear a fan making noise. Then I got a CPU fan error. I guess the radio
bouncing around in the motorhome for 4 weeks did not help. I was able to turn
the radio upside down and it would work. I'm sure taking the weight off the
bearings in the fan.

I had to quit a bit early for personal reasons.


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