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[Amps] 160M tank tweaks

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] 160M tank tweaks
From: (Bill Coleman)
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 09:07:14 -0400
Thanks for the additional ideas regarding my 160M woes...   =20

Wattmeter lies:  I've not noticed that in other applications. I added a =
Nye Viking RFM-5 in series and get similar readings.=20

Skin effect:  Hmmm... the coil stock for 40 thru 160 is #10 wire, would =
expect that to be OK. I do have a rather huge plate L from a broadcast =
rig I could use, but would have to call on Bob Vila to add a room :-)

What's got me baffled is the behaviour of C2 (Load).  I have carefully =
measured and charted both C1 and C2 capacitance versus their turns =
counters so I can easily preset them to their calculated values & =
validate my C1 / L / C2 calculations.  Have measured the C and L with an =
AADE LC meter (handy tool !).  10 thru 80 end up 'on the money', on 160 =
load C has to be reduced to abt 600 pF (calculated is 1700 pF) to keep =
screen current safe.

Increasing the plate blocker from 800 pF to 2000 pF helped - Load C =
ended up at abt 1200 pF.  Still way off. =20

I have not yet looked at the input side.  The input load R is a =
series/parallel pile of 47 ohm 2W resistors.  Quite frankly I had =
expected this mess to give me fits on 10M.  On 10 thru 40 the input is =
tuned by a coil against the tube input C & works great.  No tuning on 80 =
and 160. Input SWR < 2:1 on both 80 & 160.  But for drill I am going to =
tack a coil in there for 160. =20

Will post progress.
Bill Coleman    N2BC

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