> Subject: Re: [Amps] Arnold Howell contact info.. for YC-156's + pole
> pigs
> I emailed with a good friend of mine who is a broadcast engineer in
> Youngstown.
> Two thumbs up on Arnold as FB for good tubes.
> 73,
> Tim K3LR
> ## he sells a LOT of tubes to broadcasters. I bought my YC-243's
> from him, and no problems at all. I got Howells ph number from
> Reid Brandon at Eimac. Reid always spoke highly of Howell.
> I'll see if Eimac has Howells latest e-mail address. Better yet,
> just phone howell.. and get his e-mail add. Howell has had
> Eimac custom make some one off good tubes to his specs. He's
> also worked with some of the East coast tube rebuilders, trying to
> get better warranty's on rebuilt tubes etc.
> Jim
Who are the East Coast rebuilders with good reputations? Can they rebuild
Chinese 3x3's ?
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