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[Amps] 3CX3000 tuned input calibration

To: "AMPS" <>
Subject: [Amps] 3CX3000 tuned input calibration
From: "Bob Maser" <>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 18:12:06 -0400
List-post: <>
I just added 160 to my 80/40/20 3CX3000A7 amp.  It is configured as a Pi-L 
for the upper bands but I switch the C2 to the other side of L2 for 160M 
operation using a RB3 Relay.  The relay also switches in an additional 
1000pf. Really works great.  I do have one problem however.  I am using a 
Amp Supply tuned input, one that I found at Dayton many yrs ago.  I was able 
to approximate the load of the tube by using a 50 ohm non-inductive resistor 
and tuned the Arco caps for best match.  This worked great on the upper 
bands but the SWR on 160 is still at 2:1, which cuts back the output on my 
Mark V.  I assumed that the input impedance of the 3CX3000A7 is ±50 ohms.  I 
did not use a blacking cap for my calibration setup and don't think one 
would be necessary.  I merely hooked up the 50 resistor to the output of the 
tuned circuit and fed power to the input and watched the SWR as I adjusted 
the trimmers(one on each side of the toroid inductor).  Any thoughts on what 
I'm doing wrong?  BTW, I left the tuned input in its final location under 
the RF Deck for the calibration.

73  Bob  W6TR 

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