On Sep 26, 2005, at 10:44 AM, Peter Chadwick wrote:
> Rich said:
>> I do not set the meter. With the RF gain at 10, the splatter moves
>> the
>> meter to some level, perhaps c, half-scale. I note the average
>> reading, move to the fundamental frequency, and add whatever attn is
>> needed to achieve the same reading as before. The # of db on the attn
>> is the total IMD level.<
> Hardly an accurate quantitative measurement. You can probably get
> within
> +/-3dB uncertainty.
My HP step attenuator set is somewhat better than that. From S-1 to
S-5, a 1db change makes a noticeable difference on the S-meter.
> That in itself is probably good enough, for what you're trying to do,
> though
> 73
> Peter G3RZP
Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734. www.somis.org
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