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Re: [Amps] unbuilt SB-220 on Ebay.... WHY?

To: <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] unbuilt SB-220 on Ebay.... WHY?
From: "Hardy Landskov" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 17:53:42 -0700
List-post: <">>
I can't resist this one.
You open it up----the Silver Fish have eaten your manual, the spaghetti 
tubing is brittle as spaghetti and disolves in your hand, the terminal 
strips are so oxidized they require steel wool to be solderable, etc. I have 
seen this and it's not pretty.
My recomendation is to part it out. Even the tubes maybe no good after that 
long sitting in a box. And as Carl said this amp really needs work to be a 
viable working unit.
73 Hardy N7RT

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 3:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Amps] unbuilt SB-220 on Ebay.... WHY?

> Buy it for $1600 and when you build it, the worth drops to $800.....
> Makes sense to me.
> Don WA4NPL
> Quoting Carl <>:
>>>> I have one here in Medford, Oregon, unpacked and complete with original
>>>> xfmr
>>>> as well.  Will sell it for $1600.00 plus shipping this week only! 
>>>> Van,
>>>> K7VS
>>> WHY?!?
>>> would anyone want to buy a brand new SB220 without mods for more than
>>> $700?
>>> to make it work well, you need to replace the txfmr with a Peter Dahl or
>>> equivalent then put in all the mods which Measures and Harbach have come
>>> up
>>> with... all of that can add another $800???
>> Dont get me going on some of those mods! Accidents waiting to happen.
>> Carl
>> KM1H
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