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Re: [Amps] Amp Supply Amps

Subject: Re: [Amps] Amp Supply Amps
From: gudguyham--- via Amps <>
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2020 21:58:27 +0000 (UTC)
List-post: <>
The LK5OOnt is good for nothing in my book.  You have to select a frequency in 
each band that you want to optimize the output and then load it for that 
frequency on each band.  It will work ok “ on and around “ the frequency you 
load if for.  QSY too far and the power drops off the further away from the 
loaded frequency.  This amp is good for a net  control operator who operates 
the same frequency all the time on different bands and other such “channelized” 
type operation.  The LK800 on the other hand is a powerhouse amp with 3 3cx800 
tubes.  Good for 3kw easy or loaf at legal limit.  Has a big external 
transformer.  Nice amp.  Both amps however do not work very well on 160 because 
they lack sufficient inductance.  It manifests itself by seeming to always want 
more capacitance.  You can pad the load indefinitely with more C and it still 
won’t be enough.  There is no substitute for the correct amount of inductance.  
A few vintage amps suffer from this.  Similar is the TT Centurian. You get what 
you get on 160 and that’s it.  I had a ***mint*** LK550ntc I couldn’t sell it 
at a bargain price. I could have “stuck” somebody with it for a decent price if 
I didn’t offer to interrogate the buyer to see if he knew exactly what it was.  
Lost every sale when I explained that amp throughly.  The LK800 is a gem 

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 On Tuesday, December 15, 2020, Tom Hellem <> wrote:

Recently inherited a LK 800C and a LK 500 NT from the estate of an SK.
I know nothing about this particular brand of amp.
Any input from members of the group would be appreciated.

Are they worth keeping around? Are there known issues with either of these?
The grid current meter seems not to work on the LK800, and it seems to
require full mesh on the loading and plate tuning capacitors on the low
bands, feeling like there may not be enough capacity to really realize the
output that the amp is capable of.

The LK500 is a no-tune amp because it has a separate output network for
each band, adjusted by the factory I presume. Does anyone know if the
output networks need to be tweaked for full output after a number of years
of use?

Thanks in advance for any thoughts or suggestions.

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