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[AMPS] Re:

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] Re:
From: (Rich Measures)
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 07:11:51 -0700

>At least theorically speaking, who measures is supposed to know what
>is the nature of the parameter is checking like if he had to built his own
>Nowadays it's extremely rare the case were a laboratory builts an instrument
>because nearly everything already exist, and because any instrument has to
>be qualified to the existing standards to be professionally utilized.
>Practically speaking, qualified precision instruments are made and sold
>by known manufacturers who produce and guarantee the precision of
>specific or multi specific instruments, able to give direct discrete values
>or to show and process for viewing, even complex signals forms.
>To measure Peak, RMS, Average, etc. current it's best to utilize a proper
>(AC, DC, RF etc.) and periodically calibrated current meter.
>To measure Peak, RMS, Average, etc. voltages it's best to utilize a proper
>(AC, DC, RF etc.) and periodically calibrated voltage meter.
>To measure Peak, RMS, Average, etc. power it's best to utilize a proper
>(AC, DC, RF etc.) and periodically calibrated power meter.
>Etc, etc.
>To evaluate and measure events and some parameters on a time base,
>an instrument like a calibrated oscilloscope is proper.
>To evaluate and measure events and some parameters on a frequency
>domain, something like a calibrated Spectrum Analyzer is proper.
>To evaluate and measure other events and some parameters on a time
>domain basis, something like a calibrated time domain Network Analyzer
>is proper.
>Etc, etc.
>All the above, doesn't  limit a good technician having theorical basis
>and the knowdlege of inherent limitations of instrumentation to make
>measurements using some other instrument (indirect measures), but
>generally, also that  person uses a dedicated instrument whose read
>values are straight and accepted as good ones and later "go"  to the
>work sheets togheter the type of used instruments and the technician
>sign, in order to guarantee the measures accuracy.
?  I agree that one must guarantee measures accuracy.  

ciao, Mauri


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K,  

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