Offering the following items of special interest to the amplifier
A-D package deal: Sell Thermador (A) 7.5VCT @ 25A filament xmfr with
multitap 110VAC primaries; B. NIB Eimac 3CX1200A7ceramic triode date
coded 1991. Purchased new tested only; C. Eimac SK436 domed chimney; D
10-160M 5 amp HV plate choke wound on a porcelain 1" form. $750+
shipping for items a-d.
e. Panel mount 0-115VAC 2-1/2amp Variac for filament xmfr output voltage
tweaking $25+ shipping
f. 1P6T super heavy duty RF bandswitch $15+ shipping
g. Pair of hiv voltage 32K @ 3amp encappsulated diodes in a full wave
diode configuration. $65+ shipping. Ron W2CQM/3
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