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[Amps] (no subject)

Subject: [Amps] (no subject)
From: "" <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 03:31:48 GMT
List-post: <>

Hi Lou, had a couple of hours to kill so I spent some time on the 
Heath. It was, as you know, conveniently sitting  on the bench and 
ready for work. Figured I do a few thing before I set it aside.  I 
removed the caps and sold them quickly for $28. They're on the way to 
the new owners.  I installed a front panel rocker switch and a 12VDC 
power supply with the isolation relay. Works like a charm. I'll 
probably put it aside now and get to the Collins. However, still not 
certain what I'll do next. I sent you a copy of the note to Jim in 
response to his  email reply. He's considering stopping off here on 
the way to (or back from) the air show to pick up the amp. He travels 
west on I-80 so it's not too much of a detour. If I get to NYC before 
he leaves, he'll opt for the City pickup. Ron   

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