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[Amps] Sources for 3PDT RF Relay - Rated 15KW+

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] Sources for 3PDT RF Relay - Rated 15KW+
From: "Jim Thomson" <>
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 07:50:46 -0800
List-post: <">>
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 20:56:31 -0500
From: "" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [Amps] Sources for 3PDT RF Relay - Rated 15KW+

###  Does it have  to be a 3PDT ?  
Is this for a TR relay in an amp..non qsk of course ? 
What bands does it have to operate on.  Huge difference between 80m....and 10m. 

##  You need a relay that will handle 20A  of the highest freq you 
operate on. 

##  If this is for the output of a linear..a better solution is to use 
Gigavac  G2 relays.   That combo will handle 20 A  CCS  on 10M band.  Sped 
up they will operate  and RLS in 2.5 they can be used qsk. 

Jim   VE7RF  

I need a 3PDT RF relay rated for 15KW or better.

Is the $38.95 Array Solutions relay the best, perhaps
only, option?


David KD4E
Amps mailing list

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