Prior to putting this plug in on EBAY, I thought I would see if anyone on the
lists is interested. This is NOT a BIRD element (it lacks the Bird name, etc on
the label) - no manufacturer is listed anywhere. It is definitely a standard
type 43 7/8" element rated 1W over a frequency range of 105 to 120 MHz. No idea
of the accuracy or calibration - I have used it as a rough power indicator for
2M rigs on low power settings so I know it 'sort of' works. It came with a
rather large BIRD dummy load (2.5KW) which had a built-in Bird meter on the
front end.
Continuing to clean up the hamshack and I certainly have little need for this
plug in so out it goes. Email if you would like pictures or more info.
Price: $20 postpaid CONUS OBO.
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