On Sat, 6 Sep 2003 10:20:33 EDT, Wt8r@aol.com wrote:
> Obviously Rick hasn't the foggiest idea of what he is talking about.
>This is one of the dangers, both to Amateur radio and his person, of
>inexperienced people playing with things they know nothing about.
Well, gosh. I guess people should only play with things they are
completely knowledgeable about. Of course, one might ask HOW they are
supposed to become knowledgable?
>Perhaps this is some of the great technological treasure trove that
>W5YI was talking about bringing into ham radio through his NO-CODE program.
I'm sure passing a 20-wpm code test would make Rick an expert on
amplifiers, right? Ham radio is for LEARNERS, not just for
experienced engineers and technicians.
Lighten up.
Bill, W7TI
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