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[Amps] Transformer 50/60hz

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] Transformer 50/60hz
From: "John E. Cleeve" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 20:18:31 +0100
List-post: <">>


             I would appreciate some advice from the transformer "boffins"
out there. I am in process of refurbishing an Alpha 76PA, which came over
from the USA. I noted, in a recent posting, a link which showed the new Dahl
transformer availability, and that a 50hz 230v primary transformer is
available for the 76PA. My questions  are these, what are likely to be the
noticeable effects on the performance of the 76PA amplifier, with the
present 60hz transformer being run on 50hz and what, if any, will be the
likely long term effects on a transformer designed to run on 60hz when run
on 50hz. Should I "break the bank" and have the available 50hz version
shipped across the pond? 


73, sincerely, John. G3JVC



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