Good Day All,
I am curious if anyone reading this might have one, or two, matching meters
currently languishing in your respective "...junque boxes" that I could use
here as replacements in my homebrew linear amplifier...?
I require one with a 0 -1000 ma. DC meter (or, 0 - 1 amp.) movement, and one
with a 0 - 250 ma. (or, 0 - 300 ma.) movement. These will be used to measure
the plate current, and grid current, respectively, in my 2x813 kilowatt...
The only stickler is, the meters have to be "SIMPSON" brand, and 2-1/4" square
(roughly), made of black bakelite. I hope to directly transplant the "innards"
of each meter into the existing grey-coloured cases of the meters that
currently adorn the front face of my linear (it uses a total of four such
meters to measure various aspects of the amplifier).
I will gladly trade you goodies for these, such as you may need, or $$$
(depending upon how much, of course! Hi).
Many thanks for your kind consideration...
~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
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