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[Amps] SS amps watercooling

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] SS amps watercooling
From: "Jim Thomson" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2017 21:52:28 -0800
List-post: <">>
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2017 18:53:06 +0000
From: Al Kozakiewicz <>
To: Jeff DePolo <>, ""
Subject: Re: [Amps] SS amps watercooling 

There are waterless coolants used in automotive applications. Evans seems to be 
the main manufacturer in NA. The main advantage is that its boiling point is 
way higher than water + antifreeze. This means that the operating pressure is 
near atmospheric and allows operation at temperatures that would cause 
overpressure issues with water based coolants.

Whether it is useful for this application is unknown to me.


##  Dont even think of using Evans waterless cooler......its  snake oil, 
reserved for the middle of the night  infomercials.   7 guys here in town blew 
their engines up  using that crap.    Its basicly   100 %  glycol.  
100%  glycol  will  raise the boiling point sky high.   Like 300 ++  deg F.    
Problem is.... 100% glycol  extracts  next to nothing  for heat transfer.   
What ends up happening is the CHTs...  cylinder head temps, will  skyrocket,
damaging the engine.  The stuff still wont boil of course, since its boiling 
point is through the roof.    Your typ  190 deg F  T stat on your eng rad is 
not much use either, it starts to open at 190 F, and is fully open by 205 F. 
It doesnt cool the cylinder heads at all, and they keep going up in temp.   Its 
 pure junk, plane and simple.  Forget all the BS  testimonials, they really 
should be tossed in the slammer for selling it.   Folks have also tried using 
the evans
junk in water cooled motorbikes, same deal,  cooked the cyl heads beyond 

##  On my mustang, they monitor the CHT....and not the actual coolant temps.   
The coolant temp is derived from an algorithm inside the ECUs  software load.

Jim   VE7RF  

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