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Re: [Amps] Centurion

Subject: Re: [Amps] Centurion
From: Rob Atkinson <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2011 12:18:17 -0500
List-post: <">>
I have a 10 year old Centurion, one of the pre-black front panel
units.   I have had almost the exact same experience with the h.v.
supply transformer.  After two failures I got the Dahl replacement
(which I don't think is available now) and have had no problems since.
 Without getting into details, I'll say that the experience and
conversation I had, led me to quit purchasing anything else made by
them.  It is a moot point in a way, because I have since become
interested in vintage restoration and homebrewing.  My next amp will
be a homebrew amp.  My Centurion is the only commercially made amp I
have ever owned.   I now run it entirely in AM service at 300 watts.
I have made several modifications--I more than doubled the cooling,
changed the load padding caps to HEC doorknobs, and opened up the
cabinet top for more air flow.  With the Dahl, it is a pretty good
performer on AM.  In fairness I have to admit that there are some
things about the amp's design that I did not appreciate until I became
more knowledgable from studying and planning my own homebrew amp.



 <<<know many people have Centurions.  This one is a 422B, the black (and
current) faced amp.  I've had it almost eight years now and it's been a
problem child.   Early on in its life I lost two HV transformers.
Tentec had a problem with these and never, NEVER admitted as such.  One
was replaced under warranty, the next one lasted seven months.  Both
failed with shorted primaries.  After the second failed, I bit the
bullet and bought a Peter Dahl and never looked back.  I had Dahl
slightly up the secondary voltage on this one.

This is about the sixth repair on the unit, by far and away my least
reliable piece of equipment.  Even the schematics are wrong -- and I
bought the amp after it had been on the market already for 15 years or
so.  Even the board screened nomenclature was incorrect on a few boards
that I noticed while troubleshooting.   I may never buy another piece of
Tentec gear again.>>>
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